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And he did.
Slow and sweet, Anthony merged their bodies together. Claiming him
with his eyes wide open, all his senses engaged, made the all-too-fleeting
moment imprint upon him. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the feel
everything was branded into his flesh, his heart, his very soul.
Rolling, Anthony found himself on his back, with Kevin riding him from
above. Hands on Kevin s hips, Anthony helped to steady Kevin s rise and
fall along the length of his cock. Atop him, Kevin was proud and beautiful
in his need, all his worries abandoned as they moved together.
While he watched, Kevin slid his hand down to grasp his own cock.  I
want to come with you.
 Keep stroking like that and you ll come on me. Anthony matched
Kevin s grin.
 I ve never had sex that was so much fun.
 Glad I could bring humor to the table. Or bed, as it were.
 And emotion. Kevin leaned over and stole a smooch.
 Oh, whoa, stay like that for a moment. Anthony cupped one big
hand to Kevin s head and the other to his ass.  God, but you re tight
around me.
 I m not tight. You re big.
 Am I hurting you? Instantly alert, Anthony tried to lift Kevin up and
Linebacker 57
 No, hey. Kevin grabbed his hands and pressed them into the bed.
 You re perfect. And your mouth tastes so sweet.
While Kevin held his hands, he pressed himself into Anthony s hips.
Rather than a frantic stroke, this was slow and easy, so perfect.
 But you, Anthony said, wanting to reach between their pressed
bodies and grab Kevin s cock.
 I m rubbing up against your belly. Your incredibly muscular belly. And
your amazingly big cock is stroking my internal happy button just the right
 Yeah? Anthony tightened his abs, flicked his hips, and Kevin sighed.
 Release my hands.
 Why? Kevin asked playfully.
 I want to hold you.
Kevin let go and settled himself more firmly on top of Anthony.
Wrapping his arms around Kevin s shoulders, Anthony steadied
himself as they kissed and pressed until Anthony felt the inevitable rising up.
His balls were high against the base of his cock.
 I m so close. Just like last night, Anthony felt a longing to climax, but
he couldn t quite push over that edge. It was the most curious sensation.
His balls tightened almost unbearably and his cock became so sensitive that
every little movement Kevin made seemed three times as intense.
 Here, watch me. Kevin leaned up and proceeded to rock his hips in
time to the strokes he made with his fist against his cock.
 Ah, yeah. Anthony gripped Kevin s hips, helping him to slide back
and forth rather than up and down.
The closer Kevin came to climax, the tighter his ass clamped around
Anthony s cock. Watching the way his fist glided along his shaft, and the
way he flicked his hand over the tip of his cock, pushed Anthony over the
 There, now, ah, Kevin. Anthony lifted up while pulling Kevin down,
jostling him atop his body, altering the stroke Kevin made along his cock.
Kevin s head went back, his fist tightened, and he came.
Something happened in the moment of mutual climax, but Anthony
58 Anitra Lynn McLeod
couldn t describe what occurred. As they came, it was as if they shared the
same body. Anthony felt a hand at his prick combined with the sensation of
Kevin s ass around his cock. When he looked up and Kevin looked down,
his eyes were wide, surprised, but pleased. When the intense orgasm finally
came to an end, Kevin collapsed against Anthony s chest.
 I feel dizzy, and I m lying down. Kevin lifted up only enough so that
he could look into Anthony s eyes.
 Me, too. Anthony brushed back the blond hair from Kevin s brow,
loving the way that simple gesture caused a softening of his features.
 You re just like me.
 How so?
 No one has ever shown you how desirable you really are.
As he considered, Kevin frowned, and then his brows lifted.  I think
you re right.
They fell to kissing one another until a knock at the door broke them
 Shit. Kevin lifted off Anthony.  We re coming.
Anthony snickered.
 What? Kevin whispered.
 We already came.
 Funny boy.
 Hey, it s me. Let me in.
Frowning, Kevin went to the door.  Dylan?
 Yeah, open the damn door.
 Let him in. Anthony shrugged and wrapped his towel around his hips.
 Dylan sounds worried.
As soon as Kevin unlocked the door, Dylan pushed his way in,
slamming and locking the door behind him.
 What the fuck do you 
Dylan cut Kevin off by kissing him.
Anthony was so stunned he simply stood there and watched.
Homophobic Dylan Peterson kissing Kevin right in front of him? What was
this, backward day? Before he could figure out what to do, Dylan pushed
Kevin onto the bed and leapt at Anthony.
Linebacker 59
Dylan s big, calloused hands cupped Anthony s face, holding him still
for a breath-stealing kiss that melted him down on the bed next to Kevin.
Back and forth Dylan moved between their bodies, kissing, breathing, and
then his hands were pressed against their chests. Through Dylan s palm,
Anthony swore he felt Kevin s heart. That dizzy feeling that had struck
after their luscious simultaneous climax returned threefold and rendered him
incapable of movement.
 You two are the sweetest so far. Out of all of them, you two will do
each other the most good. You ll heal one another. Dylan smiled proudly
down at them.  And before you even think about hunting me down and
beating my ass, I suggest you ask Danny Jones about this. After that
strange and cryptic speech, Dylan was gone, closing the door firmly behind
 What the hell? Anthony asked.
 I dunno, Kevin said.
 Oh, yeah, I forgot. Dylan knocked on the door.  You ve got twenty
minutes to get your asses up and on the bus or you ll be jogging to the
60 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Chapter 8
Kevin had never seen his teammates hustle like they did that day on the
gridiron. Plays, passes, and gorgeous tight asses in clinging pants were up
and down the field like they were all cogs in a well-oiled black and green
machine. Poetry in motion. Men of muscle and drive. They didn t just win,
they trounced their opponents. A spot in the playoffs wasn t just a vague
hope at this point. It was now a distinct possibility.
Coach Miller was ecstatic. So much so that a smile well, a grimacy
kind of smile graced his gruff face for probably the first time in years.
En masse, the men of the Twin Pines Grizzlies descended on the locker
room, ripping off gear and clothing in order to clean off the sweat, grime,
and grit of three hours of play.
Kevin turned this way and that, his gaze noting all the dazzling bodies
around him, but he was determined to seek out the only one he wanted.
The only one who mattered. And there he was.
Head down, eyes closed, Anthony let the hot water pound against his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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